Adveco - Experts in commercial hot water systems.

CIBSE April 2017: TOTEM m-CHP at Rugby School

The Adveco TOTEM features in the April 2017 Supplement to the CIBSE journal on the topic of education facilities. The article highlights the installation of a TOTEM T20 m-CHP system at Rugby School Sports Complex in Warwickshire during renovations in 2016.

At Rugby School, the ageing heating and hot water system was replaced with a new and improved installation featuring an Adveco TOTEM T20 m-CHP and 5 Upsilon condensing boilers. The very high efficiency of the new system provides the building with valuable energy savings and significantly reduces overall carbon emissions. With 8,000 operational hours per year, the TOTEM T20 is estimated to have generated equivalent fuel savings of £1,018 per month since its commissioning, and is additionally projected to reduce the building’s emissions by over 51 tonnes of CO2 and 123.8 kg of NOX per year.

For more information, read the complete case study featuring Rugby School (PDF).

Read the April 2017 CIBSE journal supplement article.

Adveco commercial hot water and heating.Speak to Adveco about tackling global warming through efficient, low-carbon commercial hot water and heating systems for schools and also the healthcare sector too.

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