Fusion Packaged Electric Water Heaters
Adveco’s FUSION packaged electric water heaters offer a range of low-carbon, all-electric applications for commercial projects with a wide choice of pre-sized variants.
Next-generation FUSION-E systems harness Adveco’s ARDENT electric boiler and high-pressure ATSI single-coil stainless steel cylinders to deliver a compact, highly-efficient, low-carbon electric water heater.
FUSION-T adds Adveco’s FPi32 Air Source Heat Pumps, dedicated controls and metering, for further carbon reduction and operational cost savings.
FUSION-Eplus and FUSION-Tplus meet the needs of organisations where hot water supply is a critical operation function, with the addition of an electric immersion and automation controls for assured supply.
For commercial organisations specifying a hot water system for new buildings faced with regulatory changes on new gas connections, or planning to move from existing gas-fired systems to electrical alternatives FUSION packaged electric water heaters provide an impressive range of choices whether cost, sustainability or business security are the driving factors for specification.

Features & Key Technologies
- Wide choice of systems from 9 to 33 kW
- 300 - 750 litre capacities
- 9, 12 or 24 kW direct electric heating
- 6 or 12 kW ASHP for preheat
- 6 kW back up immersion
- Cut carbon emissions by up to 56%
- Dedicated controls for more efficient operation
- Automatic backup with remote alerts
- Designed for all water conditions
- Compact, easier to install packaged design
FUSION packaged electric water heaters, through a mix of physical design and dedicated controls, ensure the electric boiler, ASHP preheat and immersion work seamlessly to deliver the highest operational efficiencies.
FUSION’s dedicated controls also incorporate a set of submetering options to monitor the boiler, heat pump, immersion and water flow. This provides clear sight of energy and water usage to better manage day-to-day operations. Timer controls and remote control via BMS ensure FUSION is only operating when required, maximising energy demands and reducing carbon emissions.
The Adveco FUSION is the perfect response for new build commercial properties as well as refurbishment projects seeking to reduce a building’s carbon footprint. FUSION-E can deliver carbon emission reductions of up to 38.5% when compared to equivalent gas-fired water heating systems, but the addition of a heat pump offers even more, reducing carbon by 29% compared to direct electric systems and by 56% compared to gas. Offsetting the direct electric energy demands, by as much as 30%, also means FUSION can help daily control energy costs.
ATSI and ATSH cylinders with dedicated mounting points for the electric boiler give FUSION a compact, space-saving form factor. With all connections and clean-out located to the front of the cylinder and with pre-built pipework, FUSION is now quicker and easier to install, even in the tightest of plant room corners, yet remains easily accessible for maintenance.
For those wishing to futureproof a specification, the FUSION-E systems can also be supplied with a twin-coil ATST cylinder as an alternative to the ATSI. Prebuilt pipework provides a connection for the electric boiler to the lower coil in this case. The addition of a heat pump later can therefore be supported with a new pipework kit and controls upgrading the system to a FUSION-T specification. Alternatively, it is possible to connect a solar thermal system to FUSION to supply renewable pre-heat as an alternative to the heat pump.
Providing continuous recovery, FUSION can meet hot water demands for small to medium businesses, such as offices, retail, cafes, restaurants and even smaller schools with basin and sink-led requirements.
When these businesses depend on a consistent day-long supply of hot water, whether in restaurants, healthcare facilities, schools or offices, FUSION provides an assured supply. Tough enough to resist corrosive soft water, and able to leverage the advantages of indirect heating to mitigate limescale in hard water areas, FUSION lends itself to a wide mix of commercial applications no matter the water quality. For total resilience, the addition of an automatic backup electric immersion system (FUSION Eplus & FUSION Tplus) brings complete peace of mind.
- High-quality ATSI single coil stainless steel vessel with mounting points & brackets
- Now available in 300, 400, 500, 580 & 750-litre capacities
- Cylinder pressure 10 bar as standard
- 9, 12 or 24 kW electric boiler
- Pre-built pipework (left or right)
- Thermostat and overheat thermostat
- Compact space-saving form factor
- Now with 15 pre-sized variants from 9 to 24 kW
- 6 kW electric immersion
- FUSION Control Box & remote alerts
- 15 pre-sized variants from 9 to 24 kW
- High-quality ATST twin coil stainless steel vessel with mounting points & brackets
- Available in 300, 400, 500, 580 & 750-litre capacities
- Cylinder pressure 10 bar as standard
- 9, 12 or 24 kW electric boiler
- 6 or 12 kW air source heat pump
- Pre-built pipework (left or right)
- FUSION Control Box
- Compact space-saving form factor
- Now in 25 pre-sized variants from 14 to 33 kW
- 6 kW electric immersion
- FUSION Control Box & remote alerts
- 25 pre-sized variants from 14 to 33 kW
Technical Specifications & Downloads
Certification and EcoDesign
Click on the links below to download the respective documents:
Adveco FUSION Packaged Electric Water Heaters Brochure
Adveco FUSION Packaged Electric Water Heaters Installation, Operation, and Maintenance Manual
Adveco FPi32 ASHP Product Brochure
Adveco ARDENT Premium Electric Boiler Data Sheet
ATSI Stainless Steel Indirect High Capacity Technical Data Sheet
ATST Stainless Steel Indirect High Capacity Technical Data Sheet
Click on the links below to download the respective documents:
Click on the links below to download the respective documents:
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50 Years
Adveco Ltd. is the independent hot water specialist for the commercial built environment and has historically traded as A.O. Smith Water Heaters in the UK.
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