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Discover Adveco’s cutting-edge products leading the charge towards a net-zero future. Explore efficient heating, hot water systems, and cogeneration technologies designed for sustainability. Dive into their insightful NetZero Videos for a glimpse into the latest advancements in green technology and a sustainable future. Join Adveco in redefining tomorrow with innovation and environmental responsibility.
Net Zero
Net Zero FAQ
In 2008, the UK Government introduced the Climate Change Act, legislating for change to reduce the UK’s greenhouse gas emissions by 80% by 2050.
Then in 2019, increased the commitment to a 100% reduction which has come to be known as ‘Net Zero’.
The term ‘Net Zero’ means that any emissions are balanced by absorbing an equivalent amount from the atmosphere.
The Government’s current, aggressive, response is to drive positive movement across every sector to meet these goals, with a focus on domestic, commercial, transport, agriculture, and industrial usage across the UK.
Why do we want to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases?
As we draw closer to 2023, the effects of global warming are undeniably present, with prior predictions becoming reality, loss of sea ice, accelerated sea level rise, and extremes of weather with heavier rainfall and flooding, plus longer, more intense heat waves leading to drought and wildfires.
The world was amazed by the effects of COVID-19 lockdowns on the environment as the global pause rapidly led to positive improvements, surprising even scientists at how we can truly meet our 0% emissions goals and begin to save our planet by 2050.
How can we meet these goals in our businesses?
The possibilities of making these goals achievable are very high, we can all make the smaller changes necessary to do so. As a key contributor to emissions, heating and hot water systems can be adapted and modernised with new technologies to reach the Net Zero goals by 2050.
Net Zero & Climate Change
The world is getting hotter. The increased presence of greenhouse gases, especially carbon dioxide, traps energy from the sun in the atmosphere.
Today temperatures are 1℃ higher than in the pre-industrial era and continue to climb resulting in heatwaves; floods and severe storms; loss of polar ice; and, rising sea levels.
If we are to protect our home planet, then we need to address climate change quickly.
Net Zero is a global drive to balance the emittance of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere with their removal to attain a carbon neutral state.
It isn’t realistic to believe we can prevent all emissions in the near term, so net zero allows for a more balanced approach that accepts we can’t, yet, economically remove all sources of carbon dioxide.
Carbon dioxide is a by-product of burning fossil fuels to generate energy.
Addressing how energy is generated and consumed, and how carbon can be actively removed from the atmosphere is at the heart of attaining net zero.
The government has committed the UK to reduce net emissions by 100% by 2050. This demands significant investment and change in the coming decade if this deadline is to be met. If left unchecked, it is estimated that the financial cost to the country from global warming would reach into the trillions of pounds.
So what should businesses do?
Take responsibility. Measure & record all emissions, including within the supply chain and set objectives.
Set procurement of low-carbon energy provision as a core deliverable. Minimise or completely phase out offsetting, ensuring only permanent emissions removals remain.
Be transparent. Report your successes & failures so others can learn.
Rise to the challenge of delivering net zero across your business before the 2050 deadline.
See how Adveco can help transition your business with carbon-reducing application design and a range of renewable technologies for the provision of commercial-scale hot water and heating.
Global Warming Potential
Global Warming Potential or GWP is a means for measuring the impact on the atmosphere of released hydrofluorocarbons or HFCs which are used as refrigerants in air source heat pumps.
We are well aware of how carbon emissions lead to a warming of the atmosphere, HFCs accelerate this process, so curbing their use is an important step in reducing the threat of global warming and resultant damaging climate change.
Given the intention of dramatically increasing the number of heat pumps used to heat built spaces and meet hot water demands under Net Zero planning, addressing the use of HFCs is an important consideration.
The global warming potential of HFC is a measure of the damage an accidental release of the gas would incur versus a single kilo of carbon.
R410A, a commonly used heat pump refrigerant is 2,090 times more damaging than carbon if released into the atmosphere.
With a Global Warming Potential of 675, R-32 refrigerant is considerably more environmentally friendly.
With a similar boiling temperature to R410A, R-32-based systems have smaller charge requirements enabling higher performance to save energy. As the refrigerant circuit is more efficient, the heat pump requires smaller exchangers and components to achieve equivalent or better heat transfer from air to water in the heat pump. R-32 heat pump units as a result can be more compact and are quieter. With hundreds of thousands of heat pumps expected to be installed every year to meet Net Zero targets, this is an important step forward in encouraging their uptake.
Adveco’s FPi32 heat pump uses a kilo less refrigerant than the previous generation of heat pumps that used R410A. This reduction in refrigerant dramatically reduces the like for like Global Warming Potential by 80%.
For building managers, the real advantage comes from offsetting up to 70% of current energy demands with the knowledge that the investment in sustainability comes with a greatly reduced threat of impact on the environment.
Solar Thermal
Solar Thermal is a proven, actively sustainable technology that offers a clear path to reducing CO₂ emissions while also helping organisations to reduce energy costs across their premises.
If, as a business, you are using large amounts of hot water, then solar thermal is potentially an ideal technology, particularly if an application is for a new build project.
How does it workA Solar Thermal system works by harnessing the sun’s energy, and converting it into heat, which is then used by the building. Solar Thermal collectors or panels, are used in conjunction with a boiler or immersion heater.
The solar collectors utilise the sun’s energy to heat a water & glycol mix in the panel. This solar fluid is then pumped to a heat exchanger inside a water cylinder. The heat from the exchanger will then heat the water inside the cylinder.
After the solar fluid releases its heat, it is pumped back to the collectors for reheating.
Correctly designed and sized, the solar thermal system can generate a substantial proportion of the hot water requirements, enough to reduce reliance on the gas boiler or direct electric immersion, especially during summer months. This alone can result in considerable savings in the overall energy overheads of the business.
When to Choose Solar ThermalAll regions of the UK are suitable for solar energy technology; a south-facing and unobstructed roof with an inclination of 30° from the horizontal is optimal, though by no means essential.
Solar collectors can be installed in a variety of ways: built on roof; built in roof; mounted on walls or on frame construction to achieve inclination on flat roofs.
As with any water heating system, every application is unique and this demands a bespoke approach.
This is especially true when it comes to correctly sizing the system by considering the daily usage and peak demands. The aim is to serve all peaks from storage, with the size of the peak determining the size of pre-heat which ultimately determines the number of collectors a building requires.
It is important to understand that a solar thermal system will not fully replace your existing water heating system and will not provide space heating.
The actual percentage of your water heating demand covered by solar thermal will depend on your site and energy consumption habits though this figure is typically between 40% and 60%.
Solar thermal systems are most productive in the summer months, when there is most sunlight, resulting in the need for additional energy sources during the winter months.
Despite this sustainability is more than achievable, with modern systems offering intelligent solar control to ensure maximum efficiency and avoid overheating of the solar fluid in the collector which can be expensive to rectify.
Even with little solar input, the required hot water temperature is guaranteed by a gas burner or electric immersion operating as a backup system.
However, if a solar thermal collector is significantly impeded by shade coverage, then the technology will not be applicable. In this case, a commercial air source heat pump may be a preferred option to produce low-carbon heat.
Water Heating For Education
If your building is more than 10 years old your hot water system probably looks like this. These gas-based hot water systems were chosen because gas was the cheapest and cleanest way of producing high-temperature hot water.
The last 10 years have seen massive changes in the production of electricity. Much less coal, much more wind/solar causing the electrical grid to become much cleaner.
Now heating from gas and electricity have virtually identical carbon intensities.
You could replace, and not change the hot water systems carbon emissions.
However, upcoming regulations will deem these systems alone to be too carbon-polluting in large buildings and low-carbon technologies will be required.
For DHW there are two possibilities for low-carbon heat.
Both can provide low or zero carbon heat, but neither can supply a building’s entire hot water demand – the ASHP because of supply temperature limitations and solar due to intermittent supply.
New DHW systems will look like this: flow of water, preheat , what after heater does. Preheat can be either solar or ASHP, and the afterheater can be either gas or electric, the pre and afters are not paired, they work with either one.
Selection of system for the building:
It is a common story in the media that the future is electrified and hot water systems will look like this.
For new builds this certainly simplifies the installation; no gas to the building and now flue to install – and it is a low carbon system.
But it ignores one of the user’s top priorities: cost.
Even with the COP advantage of the heat pump when heating ¾ of the water with the heat pump and the final quarter with direct electricity the running costs of the hot water system increase by three times (to be checked) due to the difference in gas/electric prices.
For small hot water demands this may be acceptable, especially if the need for a gas supply has been avoided, but for existing buildings with gas when selecting the afterheater consider that the carbon emissions will be the same, but the costs differ by a factor of five. If there is gas on site then use it.
The best way to save carbon in an existing building without greatly increasing running costs is to
- Ensure the gas-fired plant is modern and high-efficiency
- Add a preheat to the DHW system heated by solar or ASHP
Over 50 Years of Hot Water Excellence
Fusion Water Heaters
Adveco Fusion, next-generation electric water heating. 300-500 L capacity. ATSI single coil, ATST twin coil.
Stainless steel cylinder with mounting points.
Mounting brackets.
Ardent electric boiler. 9,12 or 24kW.
Pre-built pipework.
Fusion E, electric water heater. Compact, easy to install and maintain. Opt to configure for the addition of renewables. FPi32 Air source heat pump. 6 & 12 kW.
Fusion T packaged renewable electric water heater. 15 – 36 kW. Fusion control box. Smart balancing of heat sources for greater efficiency. 71% carbon emissions reduction versus gas. 6kW electric immersion, automatic backup remote alerts. Added resilience for continuity of service.
Adveco Fusion range, electric water heater for your commercial projects.
Commercial Solar
Advanced Services Sales Limited was founded in 1971 as a Potterton Interpart stockist that additionally provided servicing and LPG conversions.
Adveco Limited’s origins started in the support of the launderette industry, with a vision for increased efficiency and cost saving, utilising glass-lined boilers and galvanised hot water storage tanks. 50 years later the company is now the trusted specialist provider of bespoke hot water, heating and low carbon systems to the building services industry.
Acknowledged as the UK distributor of AO Smith products in 1972 by 1998 as a result of their strong relationship over many years Advanced Services entered into an official partnership with AO Smith. Advanced Services relocated to its current premises in Farnborough, Hampshire in 2004 and by 2009 Advanced ServicesSales had renamed itself as Adveco Limited, although it continued to trade as AO Smith Water Products. That same year AO Smith solar thermal hot water systems were introduced to the UK.
In 2015 Adveco AWP Limited trading as AO Smith Water Heaters was established.
Adveco Limited became an independent sister company providing all design, commissioning and service as well as an expanded range of complementary products to complete the company offering. In addition to AO Smith water heaters, boilers and solar thermal systems, Adveco began offering a wide range of boilers, bespoke tanks and vessels, plant rooms and ancillaries. Adveco Limited also entered into an exclusive UK distribution agreement for the Totem CHP, designed and manufactured in Italy by Totem Energy, the first in a new generation of high efficiency, ultra-low NOx, micro co-generation appliances.
In 2016 Adveco Limited established their first European sales office in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, followed in 2017 by a second office in Swanson Belgium.
In 2018 Adveco launched the MD range of high-efficiency, floor-standing boilers, which are feted by the industry. The following year Adveco expands its renewables offerings with a range of high-efficiency air source heat pumps and standalone heat recovery systems.
ARDENT Electric Boiler
ARDENT is a range of high-capacity wall-mounted and floor-standing electric boilers from commercial hot water specialists Adveco.
Projects can embrace a more net zero friendly method for delivering business-critical domestic hot water applications, cutting out gas and removing both carbon and dangerous NOx emissions for more comfortable working environments.
ARDENT’s multiple electric heating elements within the integrated storage tank supply a rapid and reliable source of thermal energy year-round in an extremely compact form factor. Intuitive control tailors the boiler power to the application for reduced wear and greater system longevity. Helping eliminate damaging limescale build-up by providing primary heat for indirect hot water systems.
ARDENT, for easy-to-integrate, reliable all-electric hot water for your commercial projects.
Live Metering
Imagine having the power to optimize your hot water system, reduce energy waste and lower carbon emissions with clear sight of necessary capital and operational investments.
The live metering service is a simple-to-install, non-invasive onsite process that generates consistent six-minute data, 24 hours per day from existing hot water systems to accurately understand actual usage, including critical peak demands and their profile shape.
You gain valuable insight into current hot water use and an accurately modeled replacement design, which optimizes your system to lower carbon emissions, control, and potentially significantly lower capital costs associated with system refurbishment.
Estate and energy managers are also better enabled to budget future energy demands and operational costs.
Data collected with the live metering service has already enabled organizations to avoid excess capital costs while reducing emissions in line with decarbonization strategies.
Contact us today and unlock the power of live metering when planning a replacement of your gas-fired water heating system.
FPi32 Air Source Heat Pumps
Make sustainable commercial hot water and heating a reality with the Adveco FPi32 air source heat pump, available in 6, 9 and 12-kilowatt options.
FPi32 offers a modern sleek design with a compact monobloc arrangement that is both easy to install and maintain.
Built around a more environmentally friendly R32 refrigerant circuit, this is a sustainable way to heat, cool, and provide preheat for domestic hot water applications. Even when ambient temperatures plummet to minus 25 degrees, FPi32 will still extract usable heat.
FPi32 can be used to reduce costs by offsetting continuous hot water demands in hybrid applications or be easily incorporated into prefabricated plant room applications.
L70 Air Source Heat Pump
Able to draw and transfer thermal energy from the air, applications adopting air source heat pumps under the right circumstances represent an efficient approach that can significantly reduce the carbon emissions of a building.
Commercial hot water and heating specialists Adveco now extends its air source heat pump offering with the Adveco L70, a high-capacity air-to-water monobloc heat pump.
Rated 70kW for typical UK operation at 5 degrees Celsius but climbing to a maximum of 90kW from a single compact unit, the L70 is perfect for large-scale commercial applications and can operate as part of a cascading installation for projects demanding greater capacity.
Addressing the high-temperature demands for commercial domestic hot water applications with air source heat pump can be a challenge. Achieving a working flow temperature of up to 60 degrees Celsius, the L70 supplies the preheat for Adveco bespoke hybrid gas or electric applications, offsetting energy costs and reducing carbon emissions.
Designed and built for the UK climate, the L70 operates with ambient temperatures from -20 to 35 degrees Celsius. When ambient temperatures plummet, the L70 automatic reverse cycle provides built-in frost protection.
Eco-design standards establish the European average temperature zone, which for reference falls as low as -10 degrees Celsius. From this, an air source heat pump’s seasonal coefficient of performance (COP) can be accurately gauged. For the UK, the Adveco L70 is highly efficient when providing working water temperatures of 55 degrees Celsius, with a seasonal COP of an impressive 2.84.
In warmer regions where the lowest temperatures are set at 2 degrees Celsius, the seasonal coefficient of performance of the L70 rates as high as 4.08.
In conjunction with Adveco bespoke application design, the L70 offers a comprehensive response for sustainable heating and hot water, providing high-efficiency, low-emissions, and low-cost-to-operate systems.
The L70 air source heat pump from Adveco.
Hot Water Plant Room
Bespoke packaged plant rooms.
Timeshifted offsite construction of a water heating plant room
Bespoke packaged plant rooms.
Timeshifted offsite construction of a water heating plant room
E32 hot water system
The E32 Hot Water system from Adveco. A pre-sized packaged low-carbon commercial hot water system that uses an air source heat pump to supply 70% of the hot water load.
By preheating with a heat pump, 47% of the energy demands of an equivalent direct electric-only system are removed, reducing carbon emissions and cutting operational costs.
The plant room is constructed off-site by Adveco and is delivered ready to be installed. Lifted into position in minutes, installation is fast and simple.
The rugged GRP housing lets projects relocate essential services to unused external locations, maximizing a building’s internal spaces. With quality construction not limited by any issues on site, project time scales are protected.
Providing a modern commercial system which is operating within a matter of days after delivery, to supply low carbon hot water for a more sustainable future.
Bespoke Plant Room
Adveco bespoke packaged plant rooms. Now gain a complete future-proofed hybrid application built to your specific needs. Incorporate Adveco FPi32 Air source heat pump in your design.
Accelerate project timescales.
Improve installation quality.
Reduce onsite labor.
Maximize usable space.
Gain system resilience.
Leverage the advantages of offsite construction.
Gas and electric variants.
Bespoke design, manufacture, and commissioning.
Water heaters, boilers, heat recovery, heat pumps, buffer vessels.
Expertly designed, expertly supplied, expertly supported.
Adveco GL Range
Adveco’s GL family of carbon steel tanks; the GLC, GLE and GLT offer a selection of low-cost vessels for commercial hot water projects requiring direct electric heating, buffer storage, indirect heating or preheat.
Adveco GLC carbon steel calorifiers are designed to serve as indirect water heaters or preheat vessels.
The Adveco GLE is designed to serve as a buffer vessel or electric water heater capable of supporting larger all-electric systems offering continuity of service from a single unit.
Adveco GLT twin-coil carbon steel calorifiers are designed to serve as indirect water heaters.
Tough enough to deal with most water conditions typically encountered across the UK, the new GL family expands options with a versatile, low-cost way to quickly and cost-effectively replace vessels in ageing commercial hot water systems or introduce more sustainable electric-only systems in new builds.
CWS Chilled Water System
Chilled water system vessels from Adveco. A range of chilled water tanks for commercial cooling applications, with models from 300 to 5,000 litre capacity.
Premium carbon steel construction.
High-capacity connections.
Multiple sensor pockets.
Versatile, Cost-effective, large capacity. Better temperature control. Increase chiller longevity. Reduced condenser cycling. Improved start-up times.
Dual layer insulation. Anti-condensation inner lining. 100mm outer insulation. Easy to remove. Ready to support heat pump cooling.
Onsite With Adveco FUSION Eplus
Electric water heating
ARDENT electric boiler
Dedicated controls
Backup immersion & Four-hour installation
Projects can embrace a more net zero friendly method for delivering business-critical domestic hot water applications, cutting out gas and removing both carbon and dangerous NOx emissions for more comfortable working environments.
ARDENT’s multiple electric heating elements within the integrated storage tank supply a rapid and reliable source of thermal energy year-round in an extremely compact form factor. Intuitive control tailors the boiler power to the application for reduced wear and greater system longevity. Helping eliminate damaging limescale build-up by providing primary heat for indirect hot water systems.
ARDENT, for easy-to-integrate, reliable all-electric hot water for your commercial projects.
ADplus Instantaneous Water
The Adveco AD Plus is a range of high-power, high-efficiency compact floor-standing commercial instantaneous gas-fired condensing water heaters.
Available in three variants with built-in 120 litre storage, AD plus 115 and 140 offer two high-quality heat exchangers providing balanced efficient operation and built-in redundancy. AD plus is a tough all-rounder, with high-quality stainless-steel construction suitable for soft and soften water conditions.
With high combustion efficiency and ultra-low NOx and CO emissions the AD plus a more eco-friendly way to serve your building’s domestic hot water system.
The compact, high-capacity, and reliable method for delivering instantaneous hot water to a commercial building.
AD Gas-Fired Water Heater
Modern commercial building installation techniques have significantly reduced heating needs whilst demands for domestic hot water has grown.
Is it important to save on the production of domestic hot water, YES! Because we use it 365 days a year.
The Adveco AD range of instantaneous gas condensing water heaters reduce energy consumption considerably due to the patented heat exchanger made of titanium, it recovers latent heat from the flu gases to improve heat exchange and efficiency. It is also highly resistant to corrosion allowing it to be directly connected to the mains water supply.
It’s the ultimate product for large installations which demand high volumes of hot water from a compact-sized unit.
The AD water heaters provide impressive amounts of domestic hot water for the specific needs of the commercial sector, insuring maximum energy savings.
AD Wall Mounted Heater
The Adveco AD range of high-efficiency wall-mounted condensing gas-fired water heaters.
Designed to provide a compact, high capacity and reliable method for delivering instantaneous hot water to a building where space is at a premium.
AD wall-mounted is a range of ‘A’ class energy efficient water heaters available in three rated heat outputs, from 27 to 61 kW. Compact and tough, the water heater’s high-quality patented Titanium stabilised stainless steel heat exchanger provides exceptional construction strength and corrosion resistance in soft water.
The efficient pre-mix burner creates minimal NOₓ and CO emissions, making AD an eco-friendly way to serve a domestic hot water system.
The unit additionally features a high 1:8 modulation ratio to ensure maximum efficiency even during periods of low demand. By reducing energy consumption, AD can deliver operational savings of up to 30% compared to traditional water heaters for a wide range of commercial applications that demand large production of DHW.
The Wall Mounted AD Range from Adveco.
MD Gas Boiler Range
The Adveco MD is a range of four floor-standing and 10 wall-mounted boilers designed to provide a high-capacity and reliable solution to a building’s central heating and Domestic hot water demands.
Floor-standing models with heat inputs from 70 to 280 kW are suitable for a wide range of heating applications. Compact wall-mounted variants offer rated heat outputs of 15, 24, 34 and 60 kW. each boiler features one to four high-quality heat exchangers constructed from a continuous, non-welded run of titanium-stabilised stainless steel. This provides exceptional durability, strength, and corrosion resistance, as well as a level of in-built redundancy for all units from 140 kW and above.
The brand-exclusive heat exchanger features a 3-pass design with a large bore, circular tube cross-sections that reduce the collection of debris. With an efficient pre-mix burner and low NOX and CO emissions, the MD range is an eco-friendly solution to serve a central heating system.
The units additionally feature a high modulation ratio to ensure maximum efficiency even during periods of low demand.
The Adveco MD range features an inbuilt controller with LCD display that ensures full temperature control, plus cascade control for up to 8 units and a maintenance self-check of primary components and functions, 0-10 input, MODBUS communication and alarm output.
Fusion Hybrid Hot Water
Bringing together the highly respected FPi32 Air Source Heat Pump, the rugged stainless steel ATSH calorifier, electric immersion, dedicated controls and integrated submetering, Fusion from Adveco meets the demand for lower carbon pre-sized commercial hot water systems that are easy to specify, straightforward to install in smaller spaces, resilient and cost-effective.
Fusion’s innovative design ensures the preheat and immersion top-up work seamlessly to deliver the highest operational efficiencies, offsetting direct electrical demands, reducing carbon intensity, and helping control the operational costs of providing business-critical hot water.
For organisations with smaller facilities with lower daily hot water demands and a desire to embrace a more sustainable business model, Fusion provides a single, easy-to-accommodate, highly effective low-carbon response.