
TOTEM: NOx Emissions and Decentralised Energy Production

The Adveco TOTEM features in the October issue of the Building Services & Environmental Engineer (BSEE) Journal on the topic of NOX emissions and decentralised energy schemes. With ultra-low emissions, the Totem is the ideal technology to alleviate the main impact of decentralised energy while additionally contributing to reducing national pollution levels.

Decentralised energy is a rapidly-deployable scheme aimed at tackling rising energy demands in our cities, and additionally serves to reduce high levels of carbon dioxide emissions on a national scale. By encouraging low-carbon, small scale power generation at the point of use, the scheme reduces demand for power from large scale power plants situated outside of city limits. However, a result of the scheme is the proliferation of new energy-producing technology within urban areas which already suffer from high levels of atmospheric pollution.

The Adveco TOTEM is featured here as the ideal product to reduce the impact of this consequence. If power generation is to be achieved on a local scale, the difference between installing an older, less efficient CHP to a new generation unit such as the TOTEM is significant. Even when only considering units within the scope of the 2018 EcoDesign directive – NOX emissions equal or lower than 240mg/kWh – the TOTEM’s NOX emission levels of 10mg/kWh can still offer a 96% reduction in harmful emissions.

The complete October edition of the BSEE journal can be viewed online through the BSEE website with the article on page 28 of the October 2016 edition.