WhoshouldIsee Tracks

Building Sustainable Schools For A Net Zero Future

Adveco discusses the best options for water heating to enable more sustainable schools now and in the future… With more than 32,000 schools in the UK and a business-critical need for heat and hot water, the education built estate has historically represented a significant source of carbon emissions. Unsurprisingly, government expectations have, and will increasingly … Read more

Metering School Hot Water

metering school hot water

Adveco considers the numerous advantages of metering school hot water demands before embarking on a major refurbishment of buildings to deliver improved sustainability… Water heating will account for a significant portion of a building’s energy consumption, ranging from 15-40% depending on its use. This makes hot water both familiar and often business-critical, so reducing hot … Read more

Sustainable Schools: Learning About Low-Carbon Water Heating

AO Smith gas water heating installed in UK school

Adveco considers how sustainable schools can take advantage of water heating to support the decarbonisation of the built estate… In the UK, the School Premises (England) Regulations 2012 require schools to have “an adequate supply of hot and cold water” in toilets and washing facilities, unfortunately, the production of hot water alone can drive as … Read more